NGC7293 Ha (Helix Nebula) – GRAS
The seeing and transparency were fantastic last night…. in Australia <sigh>. I gave in and spent some more money on my Global Rent-a-Scope account to use the scopes in Oz to grab some new subs.
NGC7293 is an object that is JUST too low from the UK to be a valid target, but was nearly at the Zenith from Australia.
So, here we go:
OTA: RCOS 10″ f/6
Imaging: SBIG ST-10XME, 10 x 600secs, flats and darks applied.
Notes: This is the first image I have processed using the techniques I have learnt over the last few days from Ron Wodawski’s Zone System book, which is well worth a read if you can get your hands on it.
(Click on image for larger version)
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