Markarian’s Chain and friends from SGL6
Managed to pre-script a 4-pane mosaic using CCD Commander on Saturday morning, and got a chance to grab some images for 2 of those panes on Saturday night at SGL6. The skies had thin cloudy rolling through, and it was a bit murky, so I wasnt expecting much from this. Its OK, not great, there is a lot of noise in the full size version, and some worrying hot pixels that have started appearing in the FITs files.
If only it had stayed wind-and-rain-free for longer, I could have broken out the C11 Edge I had on loan from Ford Prefect…
Mount: EQ6 via EQMOD
OTA: Borg 60 @ f/3.8
Guiding: SW ED80 + SX Lodestar + Maxim
Imaging: Starlight Xpress M25C + MaximDL, 11 x 600s, Hutech LPS-V2 filter
Orchestrated: CDD Commander
Stacked: DeepSkyStacker
Post Process: PSCS2 + PixInsight
(Click on image for larger version, or click >>HERE<< for the HUGE version!)
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