October 2, 2011

4 hours on M33, my first image for over 180 days!

After some issues that have prevented me from getting outside and imaging since early spring, I finally got the kit out on Friday night to grab what was supposed to be 7-8 hours on M33, but due to my meridian flip and failed to find the target again, plus my lighter socket thinging blowing a fuse and stopping my dew strap from working, I`m happy with what I have here 🙂

Its been a whiole, so I do apologise if the image looks odd… I have moved from XP to Windows 7 64bit, been through two laptop reinstalls (Win7 to Win7) and a new desktop PC (hardware failure on old one), so hopefully the screen calibration is OK, but I can never tell…

Mount: EQ6 via EQMOD
OTA: Skywatcher 190 MakNewt @ f/5.3
Guiding: TS OAG + SX Lodestar + Maxim
Imaging: Starlight Xpress M25C + MaximDL, 16 x 900s, Hutech LPS filter
Orchestrated: CDD Commander
Stacked: DeepSkyStacker
Post Process: PSCS2 + PixInsight

(Click on image for larger version)

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