June 26, 2008

EQ6/C11/ED80 first imaging light – M13

It seems like forever since I was last out in my own garden with my own astrokit (23rd April), but finally the skies cleared and allowed me out to play.

This was my first serious session with the “new” EQ6 Pro + C11 + ED80, and so it took a while to get everything organised, attached, cables routed, etc, but I got there eventually.

With the nights so short and light, I needed to choose a target that would be bright and easy to image. Yes, sadly its M13… another one! I do have a soft spot for M13, it was my very first DSO I ever imaged back in May 2007.

Things have changed a LOT for me since then, new kit, lots of experience, a lot of confidence… but all this counted for nothing with a completely new rig to get working last night.

Thankfully, I used EQMOD + GPS + wireless gamepad, which made life so much easier. I only touched the Synscan handset when i powered up and when i packed it away.

Anyway, here are the results of my first imaging light with the C11.

OTA: C11 @ f/10
Guiding: SW ED80 + DSI-C + PHD (via EQMOD)
RGB Imaging: QHY8 + MaximDL, 11×180s, IDAS
Stacked: DeepSkyStacker
Post Process: ImagesPlus + PSCS2 + Noel Carboni’s AstroTools
(It was supposed to be 30 x 180s but I didnt remember that the C11 will need more heat on the dew strips, so it dewed up after about 30 minutes and I didnt notice)

(Click on image to view larger version)

I learned a lot of things last night, useful things that will help me set up faster and get imaging sooner. Am already looking for the next clear night!

Posted by under Astro | Comments (1)

1 Comment

  1. Excellent Image…nice colour.


    Comment by Dan Doolan — July 25, 2008 @ 1:42 pm

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