May 30, 2008

NGC3372 Ha rework

Just spent rather a lot of time on this reprocess of the new Ha data (without the autoguder induced trailing visible n the previous large version). I have to say that I have learned quite a lot from this one. I could bring the detail out in the nebula but had horrible noise issues in the darker areas, so have learned a lot about the color range, expand, feather options, as wel as how to manually make a star mask.

So, as reference, this was the original:

and this is the new version (click on image for the HUGE version)

Far more subtle, far more detail, zero dark rings around stars from deconvolution… I`m really quite pleased with this rework, and have learned some new techniques along the way that I can use in future processing sessions.

I now also have a lot of Luminance and RGB data to play with for his target, but as a OSC imager, I`m finding this hard to combine without it looking utterly pants.

The huge Ha version is going off to Pixum to get printed out as a 30″ x 20″ poster 🙂

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