November 26, 2008

20 desperate minutes on M42 (w/ MakNewt)

After finishing my evening meal in a rush, wiping the sleet off the MakNewt sat outside under a cover, one of the most hurried set ups ever (never a good thing!), working my way round house guests with large heavy kit, fighting the cold, the blustery wind, my laptop crashing… twice!, PHD locking up, my DSI guide camera deciding to play hide and seek with the USB controller, I`m just glad I manged to get something to show for it. Consider this a false start, a not even a work in progress…. consider it lucky to get this before the clouds rolled in to finish off a most miserable evening.

Minimal detail because it doesnt deserve anything else

Imaging: QHY8 + IDAS 4 x 300s, no flats/dark/bias, minimal post processing
Guiding: PHD + DSI-C + ED80
OTA: Skywatcher 190 MakNewt

Yes, this really is only 20 minutes!!

Posted by under Astro | Comments (2)


  1. Extremely impressive for 20-minutes only!! Last night the power supply for my M25C camera decided to blow up! We all have bad nights 🙂

    Comment by Greg Parker — December 4, 2008 @ 10:05 pm

  2. Thanks for the comment, Greg. And sorry to hear about your troublesome M25C. Do the SXV power supplies have a habit of blowing up?

    Comment by Steve — December 5, 2008 @ 7:38 am

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